Saturday, August 27, 2011

Something Else

Just can't stop myself from drawing ugly things.
Hope you're a fan of these guys, cause I ain't.
Remember that scene when Natsuki was all "Oh my gooood, lyke.. I am leaving. Fuuukaaa" and Fuuka's all shitting bricks the entire time? Yeah, exactly HOW many times did Fuuka say "Natsuki-chan" in that scene? e.e MY GOD.
Here is a beautiful and heartbreaking story that occurred right in my second play through of Persona 3 Portable. I shit you not, this exact thing happened, and it made me so sad because I wanted to get Orpheus Telos.
I didn't know that if you ignored Ryoji even ONCE, that he would just tell you to go screw yourself! :/
And of course, it all happened because I just HAD to bed Akihiko for the very first time. 
(That's just LIKE ME, of course. e.e)
Sorry I'm gross. I just found it hilarious that throughout my second play through, I kept blowing off Ken's not-so-subtle hints about liking me. "We're only 6 years apart..." "I want you to notice me..." "I haven't hit puberty yet, but you can work with that, right?" I GET it, Ken. I don't give a funk. My character was too busy being up in Akihiko's drawers... 
Priorities, man. Priorities.
Somebody punch him in the mouth.
...I can dream, can't I? *SIGH*
Last but not least, here's Aigis being a cutey patooty.

Now if you'll excuse me.
All characters depicted, regardless of how ugly they are © ATLUS

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Sorry if you find my doodle blog to be a repulsive pile of crap. :D
PS. Look at my Sims, darn you! P3 SIMS!!!
 > <

All characters depicted, regardless of how ugly they are © ATLUS

Saturday, August 6, 2011

More Weird Stuff

Drew my first fanart for Catherine. It's a great game. I had a fun time drawing this out, I've been looking forward to drawing this for awhile. I worry that a fan art like this (with Katherine holding a sheep Vincent) for the game already exists somewhere, but I sure hope I'm the first. T_T I drew this after having beaten the game through my first play through, I ended up with Katherine in the true order/law ending. <3
Here's an actually-serious fan art of Shinjiro and Akihiko! XD Normally I draw them like a couple of crack babies. And Shinjiro's hat/jacket are impossible to draw. I'd draw him more if he weren't giving me such a hard damn time...
Sexy Fuuka was requested by someone on deviantArt, so I did it. Drawing Fuuka sexy like this was well... weird. xD I loved doing her lingerie though. 
Here's a (weird ass) preview of what happens in my P3P fic (Akihiko x FeMC ), posted at my fanfiction blog:
Take note that the lameness happening towards the bottom involving the stupid expressions and hot dog and what not is a joke! T_T Like I told my boyfriend, I'm pretty sure I've ruined this pairing. XD
What the fuck? Yeah, Junpei was on the left in the drawing originally whining about the FeMc being the leader, but I cut him out because him and his horribly drawn hat were just... hideous. Isn't Aki sexy here? ^_^
...Yeah, I've totally ruined this pairing. :(
D-did I draw this? Find out on the next episode.
The answer is yes. Sorry about that.
^ What I was recently enduring in my save on FES. Ryoji and Junpei acting like friggin' tards all the time, man.

All characters depicted © ATLUS
I do not claim any of the characters illustrated in the entry. Seriously.